
Understanding the significance of a word in a text is crucial for analyzing and interpreting large volumes of data. This is where the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) technique in Natural Language Processing (NLP) comes into play. By overcoming the limitations of the traditional bag of words approach, TF-IDF enhances text classification and bolsters machine learning models’ ability to comprehend and analyze textual information effectively. This article will show you how to build a TF-IDF model from scratch in Python and how to compute it numerically.


  1. TF-IDF is a key NLP technique that enhances text classification by assigning importance to words based on their frequency and rarity.
  2. Essential terms, including Term Frequency (TF), Document Frequency (DF), and Inverse Document Frequency (IDF), are defined.
  3. The article details the step-by-step numerical calculation of TF-IDF scores, such as documents.
  4. A practical guide to using TfidfVectorizer from scikit-learn to convert text documents into a TF-IDF matrix.
  5. It is used in search engines, text classification, clustering, and summarization but doesn’t consider word order or context.
Convert Text Documents to a TF-IDF Matrix with tfidfvectorizer

Terminology: Key Terms Used in TF-IDF

Before diving into the calculations and code, it’s essential to understand the key terms:

  • t: term (word)
  • d: document (set of words)
  • N: count of corpus
  • corpus: the total document set

What is Term Frequency (TF)?

The frequency with which a term occurs in a document is measured by term frequency (TF). A term’s weight in a document is directly correlated with its frequency of occurrence. The TF formula is:

Term Frequency (TF) in TF-IDF

What is Document Frequency (DF)?

The significance of a document within a corpus is gauged by its Document Frequency (DF). DF counts the number of papers that contain the phrase at least once, as opposed to TF, which counts the instances of a term in a document. The DF formula is:

DF(t)=occurrence of t in documents

What is Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)?

The informativeness of a word is measured by its inverse document frequency, or IDF. All terms are given identical weight while calculating TF, although IDF helps scale up uncommon terms and weigh down common ones (like stop words). The IDF formula is:

What is Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)

where N is the total number of documents and DF(t) is the number of documents containing the term t.

What is TF-IDF?

TF-IDF stands for Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency, a statistical measure used to evaluate how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. It combines the importance of a term in a document (TF) with the term’s rarity across the corpus (IDF). The formula is:


Numerical Calculation of TF-IDF

Let’s break down the numerical calculation of TF-IDF for the given documents:


  1. “The sky is blue.”
  2. “The sun is bright today.”
  3. “The sun in the sky is bright.”
  4. “We can see the shining sun, the bright sun.”

Step 1: Calculate Term Frequency (TF)

Document 1: “The sky is blue.”


Document 2: “The sun is bright today.”


Document 3: “The sun in the sky is bright.”


Document 4: “We can see the shining sun, the bright sun.”


Step 2: Calculate Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)

Using N=4N = 4N=4:


Step 3: Calculate TF-IDF

Now, let’s calculate the TF-IDF values for each term in each document.

Document 1: “The sky is blue.”

the0.25-0.2230.25 * -0.223 ≈-0.056
sky0.250.2870.25 * 0.287 ≈ 0.072
is0.2500.25 * 0 = 0
blue0.250.6930.25 * 0.693 ≈ 0.173

Document 2: “The sun is bright today.”

the0.2-0.2230.2 * -0.223 ≈ -0.045
sun0.200.2 * 0 = 0
is0.200.2 * 0 = 0
bright0.200.2 * 0 = 0
today0.20.6930.2 * 0.693 ≈0.139

Document 3: “The sun in the sky is bright.”

the0.285-0.2230.285 * -0.223 ≈ -0.064
sun0.14200.142 * 0 = 0
in0.1420.6930.142 * 0.693 ≈0.098
sky0.1420.2870.142 * 0.287≈0.041
is0.14200.142 * 0 = 0
bright0.14200.142 * 0 = 0

Document 4: “We can see the shining sun, the bright sun.”

we0.1110.6930.111 * 0.693 ≈0.077
can0.1110.6930.111 * 0.693 ≈0.077
see0.1110.6930.111 * 0.693≈0.077
the0.222-0.2230.222 * -0.223≈-0.049
shining0.1110.6930.111 * 0.693 ≈0.077
sun0.22200.222 * 0 = 0
bright0.11100.111 * 0 = 0

TF-IDF Implementation in Python Using an Inbuilt Dataset

Now let’s apply the TF-IDF calculation using the TfidfVectorizer from scikit-learn with an inbuilt dataset.

Step 1: Install Necessary Libraries

Ensure you have scikit-learn installed:

pip install scikit-learn

Step 2: Import Libraries

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

Step 3: Load the Dataset

Fetch the 20 Newsgroups dataset:

newsgroups = fetch_20newsgroups(subset="train")

Step 4: Initialize TfidfVectorizer

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words="english", max_features=1000)

Step 5: Fit and Transform the Documents

Convert the text documents to a TF-IDF matrix:

tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(

Step 6: View the TF-IDF Matrix

Convert the matrix to a DataFrame for better readability:

df_tfidf = pd.DataFrame(tfidf_matrix.toarray(), columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names_out())
TF-IDF Matrix


By using the 20 Newsgroups dataset and TfidfVectorizer, you can convert a large collection of text documents into a TF-IDF matrix. This matrix numerically represents the importance of each term in each document, facilitating various NLP tasks such as text classification, clustering, and more advanced text analysis. The TfidfVectorizer from scikit-learn provides an efficient and straightforward way to achieve this transformation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why do we take the log of IDF?

Ans. A: Taking the log of IDF helps to scale down the effect of extremely common words and prevent the IDF values from exploding, especially in large corpora. It ensures that IDF values remain manageable and reduces the impact of words that appear very frequently across documents.

Q2. Can TF-IDF be used for large datasets?

Ans. Yes, TF-IDF can be used for large datasets. However, efficient implementation and adequate computational resources are required to handle the large matrix computations involved.

Q3. What’s the limitation of TF-IDF?

Ans. The TF-IDF’s limitation is that it doesn’t account for word order or context, treating each term independently and thus potentially missing the nuanced meaning of phrases or the relationship between words.

Q4. What are some applications of TF-IDF?

Ans. TF-IDF is used in various applications, including:
1. Search engines to rank documents based on relevance to a query
2. Text classification to identify the most significant words for categorizing documents
3. Clustering to group similar documents based on key terms
4. Text summarization to extract important sentences from a document

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