Ferhay x Vorboss CityLab Zero-Emission Mobile Workshop for Urban Technicians

Ferhay x Vorboss CityLab Zero-Emission Mobile Workshop for Urban Technicians

CityLab is a zero-emission mobile workshop concept, purpose-built to replace utility vans. It features a well-organized layout of storage and work platforms, it provides a sustainable, efficient, and flexible solution for utility companies, telcos, tradespeople, and service providers.

CityLab has been in the works for two years, it started as a test bed to meet the needs of Vorboss’ fiber installation operations, which was based on a model of two or three technicians in a van for every task. The company set out to find an alternative option, and collaborated with Fernhay to create CityLab, bringing together the advantages of an e-cargo bike with the functionality of a workshop.

CityLab Zero-Emission Mobile Workshop By Fernhay

CityLab will be taken to market by Fernhay, with Vorboss providing technical sales support so the design meets the specific requirements of each customer. The patent is owned by Vorboss, and manufacturing will be undertaken in the UK.

We believe CityLab represents a meaningful shift in urban utility servicing, addressing both environmental challenges and the evolving needs of cities such as traffic reduction and net-zero policies.

CityLab Zero-Emission Mobile Workshop By Fernhay

CityLab Zero-Emission Mobile Workshop By Fernhay

CityLab Zero-Emission Mobile Workshop By Fernhay

Tuvie has received “CityLab Zero-Emission Mobile Workshop” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.

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