I:Deaf – A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information

I:Deaf – A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information

I:Deaf is a unique tool to alert deaf people about possible disaster/emergency situations around them. This tool is highly useful especially in remote areas with lots of farmers who have high illiteracy rate due to different grammatical systems of written and sign language in South Korea.

Many disaster characters are impossible for them to understand, but it is more difficult for foreigners who live in this country with hearing impairments. Most often than not, deaf people have to deal with many and unique obstacles when disaster strikes, some of them are not prepared for this and situations and can lead to life threatening situations. For this reason, it makes sense to create a visual confirmation for these people to help them aware of their surroundings situation. At the same time, it helps to create safer environment for everyone during disaster.

I:Deaf - A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun

I:Deaf Emergency Alert Concept by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun has been designed to provide visual and intuitive information for deaf people. It’s an innovative, safety device designed to enhance home interior aesthetics, providing indoor alerts and a dedicated app for outdoor recognition. Through the app, user is provided with intuitive visual information where they can quickly and accurately understand the level of emergency. It helps reduce anxiety while enhance safety, it delivers information beyond just alerts, it offers lifestyle product that enhance augment senses of deaf individuals.

I:Deaf - A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun

I:Deaf - A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun

I:Deaf - A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun

I:Deaf - A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun

I:Deaf - A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun

There are 14 types of icons created based on country-specific disaster classifications. All these icons are based on multiple interviews with hearing-impaired people, in fact, more complex the icon, it is more recognizable to them. These icons can be displayed in the app during emergency situations to help users intuitive recognize them.

I:Deaf - A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun

I:Deaf - A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun

The design of I:Deaf is resemble to a flower bud, it functions as an indirect light in its closed form. In the event of disaster, those petals wither and fall off, creating a negative change to alert user, while revealing brighter direct light that allows disaster situation clearly recognizable. Each stage of disaster is clearly explained through pictures which can be seen through the app, helping deaf people to understand their current situation and they can respond according to it.

I:Deaf - A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun

I:Deaf - A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information by Minjeong Shin, Minju Kang, and Jong-hyun Byun

The post I:Deaf – A Special Tool to Help Deaf People Recognize Disaster Situations Through Visual Information appeared first on Tuvie Design.

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