Data + Science

Tableau Tips – Volume 21: Forecast Tips

Here comes the first Tableau Tip volume in 2021- Volume 21. In this short post, I will share seven tips focused on forecast function in Tableau.

#7 – Show N Months and Forecast all Future Values.

Have you ever got into a case when you just want to look at your actuals data for the last two or three months but view a forecast based on your full actuals? This is a tricky one, because if you filter out your actuals to a only a few months, then Tableau will only use those months in its forecast calculation. Yuri Fal has a slick tip for this one. Thank you Yuri!

There are several little tricks in this one. Yuri used a parameter to calculate the difference in each date to the max date in the data. Then he uses that calculation as an Attribute to create a new actuals line and hides the full actuals line before using “Show Forecast”. You can view his full tip in the forum here.

#6 – Remove the Gap in a Forecast.

After you Right-Click and “Show Forecast” on a chart, change the Forecast Pill on Color from a Dimension to an Attribute. This will connect the actual data to the forecast.

#5 – Remove the Light Color from the Forecast.

Simply remove the Forecast Pill from Color and the Forecast lines and bands will darken based on the categorical colors.

#4 – Set the Forecast to a Single Color.

Double-Click the color legend, then multi-select the Forecast categories and set the color to single color. This will change the lines and the prediction intervals.

#3 – Remove the Forecast Prediction Interval from the Forecast.

Right-Click and select “Forecast Options” and uncheck “Show Prediction Intervals”. Combine with the previous tip on a single color forecast.

#2 – Showing the Forecast on Size.

Using the CTRL key to drag and duplicate the Forecast Pill on Size on the Marks card to show the forecast using size of the line.

#1 – Use Forecast to Extend the X-Axis.

If your labels on your line chart don’t have enough room, you can use the Forecast to extend. Add Forecast, uncheck “Show Prediction Intervals”, set the forecast to background color and length to # of months.

I hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions feel free to email me at

Jeffrey A. Shaffer

Follow on Twitter @HighVizAbility

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