This digital detox gadget locks your phone away to reclaim precious moments

The complexion of this fast-paced world has dramatically changed with the assistance of smartphones which bring us closer to each other digitally. Somewhere though, we have lost the magic of silence and the privilege of enjoying moments that are now lost in the symphony of notifications and buzz of social media apps.

Now is the time for most of us to give serious thought to the idea of a digital detox regime to step back and reclaim our ‘Me Time.’ Minimalist phones, detox apps, and of course your self-restraint do help from getting lost down the rabbit hole of dooms scrolling. Those measures however only so far, until the moment you cannot resist the lure of the beautiful smartphone screen. The Back to Reality phone-locking box is a gadget that wants to curb your phone addiction once and for all.

Designer: Alessandro Pennese

This digital detox gadget locks your phone away to reclaim precious moments

Compared to other digital detox gadgets where the ultimate control to break the shackles lies with the user, this device takes that privilege away. There’s no way to get hold of your phone once the lid is closed and you set the time you will go for a digital detox routine – even if that means going cold turkey for hours at end. You can only take important calls via the interface on top, but cannot make any exceptions for allowed apps. The only time you can open and access your smartphone is when the timer countdowns to zero after the designated time. This comes in handy when you are working on deadlines, in the middle of a family reunion, or meditating.

Eventually, you get used to this regime and down the line, your screen time decreases. It’s like training your brain to stay away from the screen and going for long-term dopamine release rather than rejoicing the silly short-term dopamine bursts that eventually trigger brain rot. The device can also be useful to regulate your kids’ screen time as well, to trigger better sleeping habits and avoid the overuse of phones. Some would argue that the gadget is a gimmick and won’t be able to solve the inherent purpose but it’s the exact opposite. Since there’ll be a price tag on the device, users will subconsciously have the urge to use it regularly. In a way, it is better than minimalist phones that force things on you rather than work around them and regulate usage!

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